Captain India (Vanshaj Singh Mehta) - Youtuber | Age | Real Name | Income |

Vanshaj Singh Mehta (Captain India)

Captain India Youtuber

Vanshaj Singh Mehta is a YouTuber with more than 1.5 lakh subscribers and 7.5 Million views (as of June 2021). He started uploading videos on YouTube since he was just 12 years old.

NAME : Vanshaj Singh Mehta

AGE : 17 (as of 2021)


EDUCATION : He just passed class 12 (in 2021)



He just passed his class 12 recently (2021).


He started YouTube as a Vlogger but then later switched his content to comedy and Commentary videos. He uploaded his first YouTube video on 14 January 2016, he was just 12 years old then. His first video was titled "How To Do Cool Double Exposure On" which now has over 8 thousand views.

He has worked very hard and consistently to earn the respect and subscribers he has. At the age where all his friends were busy playing, roaming around and wasting their time, he was investing his time in productive things like making YouTube videos. He surely deserves the fame he is getting that too at such a young age.


1. He uploaded his first YouTube video on 14 January 2016, he was just 12 years old then.

2. His YouTube channel Captain India has more than 1.5 lakh subscribers and 7.5 Million views (as of June 2021).

3. He is just 17 years old (as of 2021).

4. His most popular video is "A Flying Beast Hater!" with over 4 lakh views.


Instagram : @imcaptainindia

YouTube channel : @captainindia07

So guys, this marks the end of our article about Vanshaj Singh Mehta.

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